Friday, September 19, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ KWOH-thuh \, interjection;  
1.Archaic . indeed! (used ironically or contemptuously in quoting another).

Lady H. H: A tar barrel, quotha ! A thorn tree— quotha ! You that were harping on galaxies and milky ways! You that were swearing I outshone 'em all!
-- Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts , 1941

...Ashamed to walk with me, quotha ! marry, as good as yourself, I hope.
-- Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling , 1749

Quotha  entered English in the early 1500s from quoth a  meaning "quoth he." Quoth , an archaic verb meaning "said," has been used since Middle English was spoken.