Saturday, October 25, 2014

Word of the Day

exiguous  \ ig-ZIG-yoo-uhs, ik-SIG- \, adjective;  
1.scanty; meager; small; slender: exiguous income .

His exiguous  nautical pension is hardly enough to pay for the one cockroach infested room which he inhabits in the slum area behind Tatwig Street...
-- Lawrence Durrell, "Justine ," 1957

There is an exiguous  anthropological plot, concerning some papers improperly filched from a dying missionary, and an even more exiguous  adulterous plot.
-- A.S. Byatt, "Barbara Pym," Passions of the Mind , 1991

Exiguous  is related to the term exigent  and comes from the Latin word exiguus  meaning "scanty in measure or number."
