Friday, February 27, 2015

Word of the Day

 \ sol-ip-SIS-tik \, adjective;  
1.of or characterized by solipsism, or the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist: Her treatment philosophy dealt with madness as a complete, self-contained, solipsistic world that sane people are not able to enter .

I mean that in the solipsistic  sense, the way a little boy sometimes assumes other people wind down like robots as soon as he leaves the room: People seem to stop existing as soon as Cheryl Glickman turns her eyes away from them.
-- Lauren Groff, "‘The First Bad Man,’ by Miranda July," New York Times , January 16, 2015

Your love must be very--what's the word-- solipsistic  if you don't even imagine or speculate about what I might feel.
-- Iris Murdoch, "The Black Prince ," 1973

Solipsistic  descends from the Latin terms sōlus  meaning "alone" and ipse  meaning "self." It entered English in the late 1800s.