Thursday, January 7, 2016

Word of the Day for Thursday, January 7, 2016

bona fides \BOH-nah FEE-des\,
1. Good faith; the state of being exactly as claims or appearances indicate.
2. (Sometimes italics) (used with a plural verb) the official papers, documents, or other items that prove authenticity, legitimacy, etc., as of a person or enterprise; credentials.

He seemed to feel that he had to convince them of his bona fides before they would trust the purity of the fuel that he was selling. -- Dean R. Koontz, "One Door Away from Heaven"

The want of sincerity or bona fides, in a large body of men, respected and respectable, is a very tender place, and cannot be touched with too much delicacy. -- Thomas Reid, "The Works of Thomas Reid"

We cannot investigate the bona fides of any of these people. We have to rely solely on deduction. -- Agatha Christie, "Murder on the Orient Express"

Originally bona fide, bona fides was accidentally pluralized by the 1830s and subsequently was used as a synonym for credentials. Word of the Day