Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Meditation Garden Behind Yocum

Meditation Garden

A meditation garden, the gift of the Class of 2009 and philosophy students of Dr. John Morgan, is available for anyone wishing to take a moment or two for quiet reflection. Some classes have also utilized the garden for class while also walking the pathway beside the river. The garden is located behind the Yocum Library and as a beginning consists of two benches and a circular wall.

The earliest schools of philosophy in ancient Greece (Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum) also had gardens available for students who often took walks as part of their studies. These were the first "liberal arts" schools since they contained the elements of humanities, philosophy, science, mathematics and physical education.

Future philosophy students may propose additions to the garden, as initial plans included the possibility of a small labyrinth and trees leading into the garden space, as well as possible programs to provide conflict resolution training to pupils in neighboring schools.