Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Meet Student Staff - Daniel Smyk

Name: Daniel Smyk
Position in Library: Work-Study
Educational Background: I was home-schooled up until I came to RACC; I'm currently one year through the nursing program.
Favorite Book: "Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle" by Vladimir Nabokov, or John Fante's "Saga of Arturo Bandini" (there was a later 4th book, but those first three were the best).
Favorite Movie: "Memories of Murder"
Favorite Area of Library: The shelves throughout the 3rd floor.
Special Interest: Science in general (but especially biology), medicine and health, and cooking/baking.
Hobby: I've been cooking a lot lately, I play way too many video games, and I am a big fan of eating and sleeping. Other than those things, I read a lot and play guitar and banjo (and sort of ukulele).