Saturday, October 8, 2011

The King and I

New to the Yocum Libray Collection.


King: When I sit, you sit. When I kneel, you kneel. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera!

King: You will order the finest gold chopsticks.
Anne: Your Majesty, chopsticks? Don't you think knives and forks would be more suitable?
King: I make mistake, the British not scientific enough to know how to use chopsticks.

King: Pairs of male elephants to be released into the forests of America. There it is hoped that they will grow in number and the people can tame them and use them as beasts of burden.
Anne: But your majesty, I don't think you mean pairs of MALE elephants.

King: [chanting to Buddha before banquet preparations] Help also Mrs. Anna to keep awake for scientific sewing of dresses, even though she be only a woman and a Christian and therefore unworthy of your interest!
Anne: [greatly offended, rising] Your Majesty!
King: A promise is a promise! Head must not be higher than mine! A promise!

Louis: Mother, look! The Prime Minister is naked.
Anne: Oh don't be ridiculous, Louis. He can't be all naked. He's only [looks through the telescope]
Anne: ... half naked.

Credit for quotes,