Saturday, March 22, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ noh-ET-ik \  , adjective;  
1.of or pertaining to the mind.
2.originating in or apprehended by the reason.
Definition of noetic| See synonyms| Comment on today's word| Suggest tomorrow's word

"William," croaked Peggy, "this is dumb! It's the gaudiest thing since the carnival came to town. It's silly. And unnecessarily noetic , and" — she hiccoughed; I gave her a hefty whack on her back — "wonderful!"
-- Charles R. Johnson, "Oxherding Tale," 1982

Tory and I were "Noeties" — noetic  counselors and counseling supervisors with the Institute of Noetic Technology.
-- John Dalmas, "The Reality Matrix," 1986

From the Greek noētikós  meaning "intelligent," noetic  has been used by English speakers since the mid-1600s.