Monday, March 24, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ fi-LAT-l-ee \  , noun;  
1.the collecting of stamps and other postal matter as a hobby or an investment.
2.the study of postage stamps, revenue stamps, stamped envelopes, postmarks, postal cards, covers, and similar material relating to postal or fiscal history.
Definition of philately| See synonyms| Comment on today's word| Suggest tomorrow's word

...she had meant to examine these more carefully herself, but the very idea of philately  bores her to distraction and she has hardly given them a glance.
-- Margaret Drabble, "The Gates of Ivory," 1991

But he could hardly talk to Julia about either philately  or his German penfriend. 'I like music.' This was no good either—who didn't?
-- Rosy Thornton, "Hearts and Minds," 2007

Philately  entered English in the 1860s and comes from the Greek roots phil-  meaning "love," and atéleia  meaning "freedom from charges." This second element refers to the recipient's freedom from delivery charges thanks to the stamp affixed to the letter.