Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ FUHS-buhj-it \  , noun;  
1.a fussy or needlessly fault-finding person.

"...He's a cowardly fussbudget , and he's still livid about the ruckus my mother made.”
-- Gioia Diliberto, "I Am Madame X," 2003

“Well, miss fussbudget , it looks as if one of your kids found another winner.” “Mother, I'm not a fussbudget  as you say. I just worry about my children, that's all.”
-- Lonnie Magee, "Settling In," 2006

An Americanism dating from around 1900, fussbudget  is a portmanteau of fuss  and budget . Though the origins of fuss  are unknown, budget  comes from the Middle French term meaning "bag."