Thursday, March 27, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ KOKS-kohm \  , noun;  
1.a conceited, foolish dandy; pretentious fop.
2.Archaic.  head; pate.
3.Obsolete.  cockscomb ( def 2 ).

In a country where intellect and action are trammelled and restrained, men of rank and fortune may become idlers and triflers with impunity; but an English coxcomb  is inexcusable…
-- Washinton Irving, "Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists, A Medley," 1821

"...He is extremely insinuating; but it's a vulgar nature. I saw through it in a minute. He is altogether too familiar; - I hate familiarity. He is a plausible coxcomb ."
-- Henry James, "Washington Square," 1880

Coxcomb  is a corrupted spelling of cock's comb , the comb of a rooster, hence the badge resembling it that was worn in the cap of a professional fool or jester, hence the wearer of the cap, hence a fool or a vain and silly man.