Friday, April 11, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ VAS-ti-tood, -tyood, VAH-sti- \  , noun;  
1.vastness; immensity: the vastitude of his love for all humankind .
2.a vast expanse or space: the ocean vastitude .

He glances around him in a circular direction to indicate the vastitude  of the question, a vastitude  which is to be inferred from the established fact of the ambient desert.
-- Raymond Queneau, translated by Barbara Wright, "The Blue Flowers," 1965

The setting was an outcropping of stones amid a dun, dust-scoured vastitude , somewhere in the interior of China.
-- Neal Stephenson, "The Diamond Age," 1995

Vastitude  is derived from the Latin word vastitūdō , a combination of vast , meaning "of great size" and the suffix -tude , which appears in abstract nouns like latitude . The connective vowel -i-  is commonly used in compounds of Latin or Greek words.