Saturday, April 5, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ om-fuh-loh-SKEP-sis \  , noun;  

1.contemplation of one's navel as part of a mystical exercise.

There is a word for that, Greek, of course, which has come into English: omphaloskepsis , or meditating while staring at one's navel. Marvelous, isn't it. I love words.
-- Lynne Tillman, Cast in Doubt , 1992 a mere illusion, who run away from it and devote their time and energy to occupations which Mr. Cardan sums up and symbolises in the word omphaloskepsis .
-- Aldous Huxley, Those Barren Leaves , 1925

Omphaloskepsis  comes from the Greek roots omphalos  which means "navel" and sképsis  which means "act of looking."