Monday, April 7, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ PLANT-lit, PLAHNT- \  , noun;  
1.a little plant, as one produced on the leaf margins of a kalanchoe or the aerial stems of a spider plant.

She worked with one of her favorites, an enormous African violet that had come from a plantlet  her grandmother had given her more than thirty years before.
-- Nora Roberts, "Black Rose: In the Garden Trilogy," 2005

He moved the plantlet  closer to the light. He had abolished the drapes and pushed the furniture to one side to make room for a long table in front of the windows.
-- Beverly Byrne, "Come Sunrise," 1987

Plantlet  entered English in the early 1800s. It is a combination of the common word plant  and the diminutive suffix -let  which is attached to nouns, such as booklet  and piglet .