Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ bih-DASH \  , verb;  
1.to dash or spatter (something) all over: to bedash a salad with pepper .
2.to dash or strike against: windows bedashed with rain .
3.to demolish or ruin; obliterate: His dreams of glory were quickly bedashed .

And for twenty times made pause to sob and weep / That all the standers-by had wet their cheeks / Like trees bedash'd  with rain-in that sad time / My manly eyes did scorn a humble tear.
-- William Shakespeare, "King Lear," 1606

Let my blood bedash  my proper brow, for such a wrong.
-- Elizabeth Cary, Edited by Stephanie Hodgson-Wright, "The Tragedy of Mariam," "Women's Writing of the Early Modern Period: 1588-1688," 2002

Bedash  entered English in the mid-1500s. It is a combination of the prefix be- , which was used in Old English in the formation of verbs, and the root dash , meaning "to apply roughly."
