Sunday, May 18, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ SOOTH-sey \  ,
verb; foretell events; predict.

Yes, the blind often have an inward seeing eye and they can see things we cannot and their blindness is even a power to them to that other people fear them for it. This maid might be taught to soothsay  or some such thing.
-- Pearl S. Buck, "The Mother" , 1933

Sad that her sons did seek a foreign grave/ (For, Fate's, or Fortune's drifts none can soothsay , /Honour and misery have one face and way)
-- John Donne, "The Storm," 1597

Soothsay  is a back formation of the word soothsayer , which means “a person who can foretell future events.” The term sooth  meaning “truth” has been in English since before 900.