Saturday, May 3, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ SAL-ee \  , noun; excursion or trip, usually off the main course.
2.a sortie of troops from a besieged place upon an enemy.
3.a sudden rushing forth or activity. outburst or flight of passion, fancy, etc.: a sally of anger .
5.a clever, witty, or fanciful remark.
6.Carpentry . a projection, as of the end of a rafter beyond the notch by which the rafter is fitted over the wall plate.
verb: make a sally, as a body of troops from a besieged place. set out on a side trip or excursion. set out briskly or energetically.
4.(of things) to issue forth.

Don Quixote happened to take the same road he'd followed on his first sally , across the plain on Montiel, with less discomfort than before, because it was early morning and the sun, being low, didn't bother them.
-- Miguel de Cervantes, translated by John Rutherford, "Don Quixote" , 1605

He himself never wears jewels and as a matter of fact does not even carry money, borrowing a dollar from his doorman when he makes a sally  from his office.
-- Herbert Brean, "Golconda on E. 51st," Life , 1952

Sally  comes from the Latin salīre  meaning "to leap" by way of the Middle French saillie , which means "attack." It entered English in the mid-1500s.