Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ KOH-tuh-ree \  , noun;  
1.a group of people who associate closely.
2.an exclusive group; clique.
3.a group of prairie dogs occupying a communal burrow.

The coterie  world of Bloomsbury or the Strand is vicarious, but all reading provides vicarious participation in a social group.
-- Robert DeMaria Jr., "Samuel Johnson and the Life of Reading" , 1997

Sturges also had a brilliant eye for finding unconventional talent, and often cast from the same coterie  of quirky actors to makes his films feel textured, like a world of their own.
-- Hampton Stevens, “‘It’s like a Hollywood Ending’: When Judd Apatow Met Graham Parker,” The Atlantic , 2012

Coterie  is French in origin, originally used to refer to an association of tenant farmers. It entered English in the mid-1700s.
