Sunday, August 31, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ yoo-THEN-iks \, noun;  
1.a science concerned with bettering the condition of human beings through the improvement of their environment.

Yet Burroughs is unwilling, politically, to play the dread game of eugenics or euthenics , outside his private fantasy, which, since his intelligence is aware of the circularity of its Utopian reasoning, invariably turns sardonic.
-- Mary McCarthy (1912-1989), edited by A. O. Scott, "Burroughs's Naked Lunch ," A Bolt from the Blue and Other Essays , 2002

By the early 1890s, Swallow began to explore larger issues of the urban environment, such as air and water contamination, and home environment concerns as part of a more integrative science she called euthenics , defined as the “science of controllable environment."
-- Robert Gottlieb, Forcing the Spring , 2005

Euthenics  entered English in the early 1900s from the Greek word euthēn(eîn)  meaning "to be well off, prosper."