Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ tin-ti-NAB-yuh-ler \, adjective;  
1.of or pertaining to bells or bell ringing.

Mr. Squills was about to reply, when ring—a-ting—ring— ting! there came such a brisk, impatient, make-one's-self-at-home kind of tintinnabular  alarum at the great gate, that we all started up and looked at each other in surprise.
-- Edward Bulwer-Lytton, The Caxtons: A Family Picture , 1849

A tintinnabular  surface sleek as a car shooting past. A wetness that always regroups against you, that will not attach to your fingers, but instead evades.
-- Phil O'Brien, Memories of the Irish-Israeli War , 1995

Tintinnabular  comes from the Latin tintinnābulum  meaning "bell."