Monday, October 13, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ HEM-pee \, adjective;  
1.Scot . mischievous; often in trouble for mischief.

...and that there could not be a surer proof of the young hempy  being his get, than that he had been a thief...
-- John Galt, "The Stolen Child ," 1833

"Recollect ye!" he said; "by my troth do I.—Haud him a grip, gentlemen! —constables, keep him fast! Where that ill-deedy hempy  is, ye are sure that Alan Fairford is not far off."
-- Sir Walter Scott," Redgauntlet ," 1824

Hempy  comes from the late Middle English word hempi , which meant "made of hemp." This is thought to be a dark joke about one being fit for hanging by a hemp rope, and, by attenuation, mischievous.