\ KLOI-ster \, verb; confine in retirement; seclude. confine in a monastery or convent. furnish with a cloister or covered walk. convert into a monastery or convent.
1.a covered walk, especially in a religious institution, having an open arcade or colonnade usually opening onto a courtyard.
2.a place of religious seclusion, as a monastery or convent.
3.any quiet, secluded place.
That's when I began to cloister myself, when I saw her strength, her determination to pull me out of my brooding.
-- Manil Suri, "The City of Devi ," 2013
Was it right to cloister himself on this mountain?
-- Tami Hoag, "Dark Paradise ," 1994
Cloister comes from an Anglo-French blend of cloison , meaning "partition," and clostre , from the Late Latin word meaning "enclosed place."
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
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