\krip-tuhs-THEE-zhuh, -zhee-uh, -zee-uh\ , noun;
1.Psychology. allegedly paranormal perception, as clairvoyance or clairaudience.
Some experts attribute the jerking of the rod to cryptesthesia, some to divine or devilish inspiration, others to unconscious muscular activity, “sympathy,” they call it, between the diviner and the object.
-- Michael Knight," Divining Rod," 2010
...Rector Boirac's metagnomical presentation of cryptesthesia during the First Universal Congress was, by his own admission, an example of group trance...
-- Joseph Skibell, "A Curable Romantic," 2011
Coined in the 1920s, cryptesthesia is a combination of crypt(o)-, meaning "hidden," and esthesia referring to "capacity for sensation or feeling."
Saturday, November 1, 2014
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