Friday, November 14, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ haw-rip-uh-LEY-shuhn, ho- \  , noun;  
1.a bristling of the hair on the skin from cold, fear, etc.; goose flesh.

He wondered if that was because they all were ready to leave, but as he surveyed the crowd, he began to feel something prickly and wonderful happening to his skin. Horripilation .
-- Glen David Gold, "Carter Beats the Devil," 2001

A wonderful desire and love impel men from distant regions to visit the holy spot, and the first sight of the Ka'abah causes awe and fear, horripilation  and tears.
-- Richard Francis Burton, "Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina ," 1874

Horripilation  shares a root with the word horror  in the Latin verb horrēre  meaning "to bristle." It entered English in the mid-1600s.