Sunday, November 16, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ GEYP-seed, GAP- \, noun;  
1.British Dialect . a person who gapes or stares in wonder, especially a rustic or unworldly person who is easily awed.
2.British Dialect . a daydream or reverie.
3.British Dialect . an idealistic, impossible, or unreal plan or goal.
4.British Dialect . something that is gaped at; anything unusual or remarkable.

I'm retired: sort of a gapeseed , a daydreamer, you know.
-- D. Keith Mano, Take Five , 1982

The first time Jessalyn attended a racing meet, Gram had accused her of behaving like a gapeseed , staring open-mouthed at every sight.
-- Penelope Williamson, "Once in a Blue Moon," 1993

Gapeseed  is formed from the verb gape  meaning "to open the mouth wide." It entered English in the late 1500s.Take Five," 1982