Friday, November 7, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ AN-uh-tahyn, -tin \, adjective;  
1.resembling a duck.
2.of or pertaining to the family Anatidae, comprising the swans, geese, and ducks.

I took refuge in wild theorizing,--if Angels be the next higher being from Man, perhaps the Duck had 'morphos'd into some Anatine  Equivalent, acting as my guardian…
-- Thomas Pynchon, "Mason & Dixon: A Novel ," 1997

I did not particularly like her, though she did once bring me a chick and a duckling as an Easter present, and it may reveal something about anatine  psychology that the duck grew up and became fixtated upon the chicken in the pen my father made for them.
-- George Davison Winius, "The Brats of Briarcliff ," 2008

Anatine  comes from the Latin word for "duck," anas . It entered English in the mid-1800s.