Monday, December 1, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ al-FIT-uh-man-see \, noun;  
1.the use of barley meal as a means of divination.

…for surely it is a glaring contradiction to admit that alphitomancy  can really reveal futurity, and yet to call it a mere vain pretence.
-- E. Johnson, Letter to the Editor, The Metropolitan Magazine: Volume XIV , September to December, 1835

By alphitomancy  described by Theocritus in his Pharmaceutria , and by aleuromancy, mixing wheat with flour.
-- François Rabelais (1494–1553), translated by John Michael Cohen, "Gargantua and His Son Pantagruel," 1955

Alphitomancy  comes from the Greek word álphiton  meaning "barley." The suffix -mancy  comes from the Greek term manteía  meaning "divination." Alphitomancy  entered English in the mid-1600s.