Thursday, December 4, 2014

Word of the Day

zoanthropy \ zoh-AN-thruh-pee \ , noun;  
1.Psychiatry . a mental disorder in which one believes oneself to be an animal.

In his book Wolf Child and Human Child , Arnold Gesell gives a striking account, based on the original source material, of the misfortunes of Amala and Kamala, the two best known cases of zoanthropy .
-- Lucien Malson and Jean Marc Gaspard Itard, "Wolf Children and the Problem of Human Nature ," 1972

A zoanthropian, Orion, who was possessed by zoanthropy , had been an enemy. He believed himself to be a roc, marrying one.
-- Willis Bryant, "Cold Blood ," 2012

Zoanthropy  came to English in the mid-1800s from the New Latin zōanthrōpia  based on the Greek ánthrōpos  meaning "human being, man."