Friday, December 5, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ WON-yuhn \, noun;  
1.Archaic . curse; vengeance.

"Marry, come up with a wanion !" cried Friar Tuck, bustling forward and thrusting himself in front of the Bishop; "Marry come up, I say!" and he snapped his fingers under the Bishop's nose…
-- Howard Pyle, The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood of Great Renown in Nottinghamshire , 1883

"Peace, dame, with a wanion  to ye!" said Raoul. "Will you think of your own old sinful carcass, when you should be saving your sweet young mistress from shame and oppression?"
-- Sir Walter Scott, The Betrothed , 1825

Wanion  entered English in the mid-1500s. It's an alteration of the Middle English waniand  and comes from the Middle English phrase in the waniand mone , literally meaning "in the time of the waning moon." Figuratively, this means "in an unluckly hour."