Is Your Novel “Mystery,” “Thriller,” or “Suspense”?
*The three genres are closely related. In each type, a character is trying to get at the truth of something, or prevent some bad thing from happening.
mystery: the main character is occupied in tracking down the truth about an event, usually a murder. If the protagonist is in any danger, it is usually moderate, and becomes a problem only as the detective approaches the truth.
thriller: the protagonist is in danger from the outset.
suspense: the main character may become aware of danger only gradually. In a mystery, the reader is exposed to the same information as the detective, but in a suspense story, the reader is aware of things unknown to the protagonist. The reader sees the bad guy plant the bomb, and then suffers the suspense of wondering when or if it will explode.
Monday, June 22, 2015
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- Internet Public Library . The “Reading Room” is interesting. Books, magazine, journal links and much much more.
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- The Purdue University Online Writing Lab ...MLA guidelines in research papers, and citing all sources from a single book to government ...
- New York Public Library's Digital Gallery provides free and open access to over 640,000 images digitized from the The New York Public Library's vast collections, including illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints, photographs and more.