\GEYN-sey, geyn-SEY\
1. to deny, dispute, or contradict.
2. to speak or act against; oppose.
'…What judge shall gainsay that?' He swayed his body round on his motionless and sturdily planted legs, veering upon the Chancellor and the knight in turn, as if he challenged them to gainsay him who had been an attorney for ten years…
-- Ford Madox Ford, The Fifth Queen, 1906
Gainsay entered English around 1300. As in a number of now-obsolete terms including gaincope, gainstand, and gainturn, the prefix gain- means "against" or "in opposition" in this term.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Recommended Web Sites!
- Internet Public Library . The “Reading Room” is interesting. Books, magazine, journal links and much much more.
- File Extension Resource. Ever wonder what those extensions mean on a file? Check this site out for thousands of extensions, what they mean, and what programs open them
- The Purdue University Online Writing Lab ...MLA guidelines in research papers, and citing all sources from a single book to government ...
- New York Public Library's Digital Gallery provides free and open access to over 640,000 images digitized from the The New York Public Library's vast collections, including illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints, photographs and more.