Monday, August 31, 2015

More About Female Author - Hannah Arendt

Political theorist Hannah Arendt, who was born to a Jewish family in 1906 Germany, not only wrote such seminal works as The Origins of Totalitarianism, she dealt with totalitarianism up close.

Arendt was unable to teach at German universities due to her Jewish lineage, but she nevertheless remained in Germany until 1933, studying philosophy and anti-Semitism. Her controversial studies led to an arrest by the Gestapo, and shortly thereafter she fled to France, where she worked with Jewish refugees.

She was active in the Zionist movement, helping Jewish children displaced by the Holocaust resettle in Palestine. Arendt later escaped to America in the midst of World War II. She went on to become a U.S. citizen and prominent intellectual.

She held a variety of academic posts at prestigious universities and was made the first female lecturer at Princeton University in 1959. Arendt never stopped being controversial, however; her writings continued to generate heated debate throughout her life, but she never censored her views to avoid backlash.
