Monday, September 14, 2015

Interlibrary Loans Originated by The Yocum Library

An interlibrary loan (ILL) is a request for a cataloged item that is owned by a library outside of The Yocum Library or the Advanced Library Information Network (ALIN) of Berks County. A request for a cataloged item that is available through the ALIN network is an intralibrary loan request and is processed using the ALIN “Hold” procedure although a request for a periodical article that is available within the ALIN network is considered an interlibrary loan..

The Yocum Library's mission provides the foundation for its provision of interlibrary loan services. Due to the high costs involved in the interlibrary loan process, this service is provided only to members of the RACC community – RACC students, staff, faculty, trustees, and alumni. Other library patrons should be referred to their public, college, or corporate libraries to obtain interlibrary loan services.

Members of the RACC community who are eligible for interlibrary loan services must have current library cards and no blocks, fines, charges, or overdue items on their library accounts. A library patron, who does not pick up an interlibrary loan item after notification of its receipt by The Yocum Library, will have a message placed on his/her library account; three or more such messages will block the patron from making more interlibrary loan requests from The Yocum Library. The Yocum Library reserves the right to deny interlibrary loan services to anyone who has not complied with the interlibrary loan guidelines and procedures in the past.

Because of the delay involved in obtaining interlibrary loan materials, an interlibrary loan request should be the product of a session with a librarian, so that the patron is first provided with as much information as possible from The Yocum Library=s resources.

The Yocum Library reserves the right to refuse a request which violates local, state, or federal laws, such as, but not limited to, copyright violations.