Thursday, September 3, 2015

Word of the Day

 \ uh-STUR \  , adjective;    Tweet
1.moving or stirring, especially with much activity or excitement: The field was astir with small animals, birds, and insects .
2.up and about; out of bed.

We were wakened by many hurrying feet, and many confused voices; all the world seemed awake and astir .
-- Elizabeth Gaskell, The Grey Woman , 1861

The feeling called love is and has been for two years the predominant emotion of my heart: always there, always awake, always astir : quite other feelings absorb his reflections, and govern his faculties.
-- Charlotte Brontë, Shirley , 1849

Astir  entered English before 1000, and is a combination of the reduced form a-  and the word stir .