Sunday, September 6, 2015

Word of the Day

 \ ev-uh-NES, EV-uh-nes \, verb; disappear gradually; vanish; fade away.

The girl watched Linda as though she might evanesce  at any moment, trailing behind her, showing no affection, her bright eyes searching and expectant.
-- Tim Gautreaux, "The Missing ," 2009

Of course they evanesce  / with the climb of the sun. But this is one / of the many things I hate about having you gone. / If you were here none / of it could happen.
-- Catherine Carter, "Song for the Absent, with Hatchets," The Memory of Gills , 2006

Evanesce  came to English in the early 1800s from the Latin ēvānēscere  meaning "to vanish."