Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Word of the Day

 \ zahy-LOG-ruh-fee \  , noun;  
the art of engraving on wood, or of printing from such engravings.

Widespread dissemination of these works of art became possible after the invention of xylography , or woodblock printing, generally credited to Hishikawa Moronobu (1618–94) who was born in Boshu, Chiba.
-- Evan S. Connell, Double Honeymoon , 1976
Given the nature of xylography  as a sort of “printing on demand,” individual works from the vast tripitaka could be printed as required…
-- Edited by Simon Eliot and Johnathan Rose, A Companion to the History of the Book , 2007
Xylography  came to English in the early 1800s from French. Its origin ultimately lies in the Greek roots meaning "wood" and "writing."