Friday, November 6, 2015

Word of the Day

parageusia \par-uh-GYOO-zhuh, -zhee-uh, -zee-uh\,
an abnormal or hallucinatory sense of taste.

Neuritis of the facial and chorda tympani of rheumatic or inflammatory origin, as in otitis media, may produce parageusia, consisting in the inability to distinguish sweet from bitter and salty from sour.
-- Ludwig Grunwald, "Atlas and Epitome of Diseases of the Mouth, Pharynx, and Nose," 1903

The sense of taste is usually slightly diminished on the anterior half of the tongue, and occasionally there may be parageusia or vertigo.
-- J. D. White, ‎John Hugh McQuillen, ‎George Jacob Ziegler, "The Dental Cosmos: Volume 71," 1929

Parageusia has its roots in the Greek word geûs meaning "taste." The para- and -ia elements come from Latin.