Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Meet the Yocum Library Staff - Mary Ellen G. Heckman

Mary Ellen G. Heckman
Name: Mary Ellen G. Heckman
Position in Library: Assistant Dean of Library Services & Learning Resources
Educational Background: B.A. in American Studies with Highest Distinction, Honors Program, and Phi Beta Kappa from Penn State, Master’s of Library Service from Rutgers University, Beta Phi Mu (Library Science Honor Society), Kutztown University, Pennsylvania School Library Certificate
Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Favorite Movie: Drama – Citizen Kane / Comedy – Shop Around the Corner
Favorite Area of Library: Film Collection
Special Interest: Local History and genealogy
Hobby: #1 - spending time with my family, especially my grandchild, + reading, kayaking (scenic, still water only), spending time at our cabin