Sunday, June 29, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ KLEM-uhnt \,adjective;  
1.mild or merciful in disposition or character; lenient; compassionate: A clement judge reduced his sentence .
2.(of the weather) mild or temperate; pleasant.

Truly men say of Titus that he is clement  and merciful, and therein differs much from Vespasian his father, and the clemency which he showed to the people of Gischala and other places which he has taken proves that is so…
-- G. A. Henty, "For the Temple: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem," 1888

"Yet I am a clement  man, Francesco, and sorely though that dog has wronged me by his silence, I thank Heaven for the grace to say—God rest his vile soul!"
-- Rafael Sabatini, "Love-At-Arms," 1907

Clement  came to English in the mid-1400s from the Latin word meaning "gentle, merciful."