Monday, June 30, 2014

Word of the Day,

 \ WAHYLD-ling \, noun;  
1.a wild plant, flower, or animal.

It is well to remember that when a fruit tree has its vital power weakened and the necessities of culture results in this, the tree is much more liable to disease, than when it is as healthy as a wildling  in a place where the art of the fruit grower has never been called into play.
-- Edited by Thomas Meehan, "The Gardener's Monthly and Horticulturist," 1879

This little wildling  that looked like a hill pony made the fastest horse Albrin had bred seem a plodding workhorse in comparison.
-- Patricia Briggs, "The Hob's Bargain," 2001

Wildling  joins the word wild , "living in a state of nature," with -ling , an Old English suffix meaning "a person or thing concerned with." It entered English in the mid-1800s.