Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ KLOU-der \, noun;  
1.a group or cluster of cats.

"That's a fine clowder  of cats you have, Aunt Alex," I told the old dowager one day when I was bringing her some peanut brittle from my mother.
-- Noel Perrin, "Don't Give Me One Dozen Roses, Give Me a Nosegay," The New Yorker , April 4, 1959

A clowder  of scrawny cats was busy in a heap of fishbones, while a couple of others groomed themselves in doorways and on window-sills.
-- Ross King, "Ex-Libris ," 1998

Clowder  comes from the term clodder  meaning "clotted mass." It entered English in the late 1700s.