\ SLUHB-er \, verb; perform hastily or carelessly.
Even-tempered as he was, he soon began to give evidences of the strain of being pent in with a mechanical monster that toiled, and sobbed, and slubbered in the shouting dark.
-- Jack London, "The Pearls of Parlay," A Son of the Sun , 1912
…Nature showed she doth not like men, who slubber up matters of mean account.
-- Philip Sidney (1554–1586), "The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia," Sir Philip Sidney: Selected Prose and Poetry , edited by Robert Kimbrough, 1983
Slubber may descend from the Low German term slubbern meaning "to do work carelessly." When slubber entered English in the early to mid-1500s, it meant "to stain or smear."
Thursday, November 20, 2014
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