Saturday, December 6, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ suh-LAN-der \, noun;  
a case for maps, plates, etc., made to resemble a book and having the front cover and fore edge hinged.
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Miss Harper was saying something ". . . have to keep it in this solander  box because light will fade it. That's why it's not on display very often." She put the case on the table and unclasped it.
-- Thomas Harris, "Red Dragon ," 1981

It's not a book anymore, but a box, the pages glued together and hollowed out. It's called a solander .
-- Edward Wellen, "Mind Slash Matter," Predators , 1993

Solander  entered English in the late 1700s and is named after the Swedish naturalist Charles Solander, who invented this type of hidden case.