Saturday, December 6, 2014

Word of the Day

 \ dih-GUHST \, verb; taste or savor carefully or appreciatively.

Although this dish has been degusted  by our great great grandfathers, and has been for upwards of a century one of the strongest pillars of the art, I shall here describe it, as an old proverb justly reminds me that a good thing can never get old.
-- Alexis Soyer, "The Gastronomic Regenerator ,"1846

Now, if the soupe au vin  had been known in Troy, it is clear that in declining vinum merum  upon that score, he would have added in the next hexameter, 'But a soupe au vin , madam, I will degust , and gratefully.'
-- Charles Reade, "The Cloister and the Hearth ," 1861

Degust  can be traced to the Latin word gustāre  meaning "to taste." It entered English in the early 1600s.